So at the end of day 1 we had completed our objective and had also done really well against Fiji. Our coach left us with a challenge by pointing out that a good team can have one good performance against the big teams like Fiji but a great team performs consistently against all the big teams!

A disappointing final for us but a great tournament, putting Spain on the map and some pressure on the IRB to get us involved in more big tournaments. That night we had a post match function at the hotel where all the teams did a dance or haka, a good bit of fun to round off an awesome tournament!
Our flights where only on Tuesday night so we had some time to do some sight seeing around Sri Lanka. We went to a couple of the local markets and then rented 2 mini vans for the day which took us to see the elephants. We all had a ride on one and some of us had an elephant shower, the elephant sucked water up its trunk and then strayed it all over us ! Good fun! I had a chance to talk to a couple of the locals and even managed to join in on a street cricket game! The Sri Lankan people I came across where really friendly, had big smiles, loved there cricket and seemed to bob there heads side to side whenever they spoke. After a lot of laughter and joking around with the head bob we discovered that this head bob means "ok". Just like nodding or shaking your head means yes or no.
All in all a fantastic week away! Aside from us doing really well on the field it was great to see a new country and take in some culture!
Ryan le Roux - 2010/12/05